Welcome to the April edition of Adviser News
Business UpdatesArticle7 April 2022
We hope you are finding it more convenient getting your Zurich and OnePath news all in one place. We want to provide you with insights across our life insurance products and services, investment updates, plus personal and professional development topics through _Zone Education.
Transition of OneCare polices to Zurich systems
As previously communicated, we are pleased to let you know that the transition of all OneCare products and policies from ANZ systems to Zurich systems is scheduled for this weekend.
This transition represents a significant milestone in our journey, by taking this integrated approach all your pre-OneCare, OneCare and Zurich business will be accessible to you in a single location, via The Adviser Portal.
Please make sure you keep an eye on your emails next week to ensure you don’t miss important communications on how these changes impact you and your teams.
We will continue to action outstanding adviser and customer requests, however some delays might be experienced as we work through our processing freeze period. Additional staff have been hired to assist and we appreciate your patience during this time.
Thank you for enabling us to simplify and improve the systems that support you.
You can find further information on this transition by visiting onepath.com.au/onecarechanges or by speaking with your Business Development Manager.
Supporting customers affected by the QLD & NSW floods
We have had strong take up of our premium support offers so far and it’s an important reminder that support is available for customers directly impacted by the floods in areas declared a natural disaster, we have a range of support on offer including premium support. Find out more about what we are offering, including how to claim.
Committed to delivering on the promise we make
Last year we paid over $1.28 billion in Life Insurance claims to 12,125 customers and their families across OnePath and Zurich (retail and group life combined). Importantly, we share a commitment to be there for your clients at every point in their health journey. Dr Sally Phillips, Zurich’s Head of Health Services, explains that every journey is unique, and requires personalised care - take some time to read through her article here and view our latest claims statistics and stories.
Reporting complaints and significant dealings
A reminder if you are required to report complaints and significant dealings as per the reporting obligations, you can visit our TMD website and click on the chatbot available.
Dees AFLW team make the Grand Final
A big congratulations to Melbourne’s AFLW team for securing a spot in the 2022 NAB AFLW Grand Final against Adelaide this Saturday 9 April!
The competition is only 5 years old, so this will be the first time Melbourne has made the AFLW Grand Final, and if they take out the win on Saturday, MFC will be the first club in history to hold both the AFL & AFLW Premierships concurrently.
We are proud to be Co-Principal Partner of Melbourne Football Club’s AFL and AFLW teams - the whole team at Zurich will be cheering on the women this Saturday! Go Dees!