Welcome to the July edition of Adviser News
Business UpdatesArticle17 July 2024
We recently concluded our Advisory Board series for 2024 and I would like to thank those advisers who participated. We held boards in the five main centres and sought feedback across product, underwriting, digital enhancements and claims. The Advisory Boards are a great way for us to gather adviser insights, guidance and recommendations to ensure we remain on the right track. This feedback is highly valued and helps us prioritise what our teams are working on to support you and your clients.
Claims Concierge
We aspire to continually deliver a claims service that adds genuine value to both you and our customers.
While your assistance and involvement at claims time does not change, this new service allows us to work more efficiently with you and our customers during the claims process, providing improvements in response time and importantly reducing the burden of paper-based tasks and friction filled processes. You can read more about Claims Concierge here.
We don’t just cover, we care
Last year, Zurich and OnePath Life supported 12,252 customers and paid over $1.53 billion in life insurance claims. You can have a look at the claims we paid, the top causes of claims and hear from our claims staff tell their stories on the customers they have supported by visiting our dedicated digital claims pages > Zurich, OnePath.
The Cost of Care: Volume 2
I hope you have had the opportunity to read our latest research paper, ‘The Cost of Care: Volume 2’.
In the first week of this important paper being released, we reached over one million Australians through coverage in the media, raising awareness of our health and financial ecosystem and providing context for broader education on why life insurance is so important.
Additional to this paper, we have designed an interactive tool ‘Someone Like You’, to help segment the research for a one-to-one client conversation based on your clients’ specific age and gender profile.
You can download a copy of the paper and request access to the ‘Someone Like You’ tool through _ZONE Education by visiting zurich.com.au/costofcare.
The Adviser Portal
We continue to make a substantial effort to improve the quoting capabilities in The Adviser Portal, including the ability to submit alteration quotes direct from the portal moments after generating a quote.
With these enhancements, it’s now much faster for you to submit an alteration via the portal, saving as much as a day on average when comparing against other methods such as phone or email. You can see the latest enhancements on inforce quoting capabilities here.
You can also view our policy alterations video on _ZONE Education here – Policy Alteration quotes in the Adviser Portal.
As always, thank you for your support, and all the best for the second half of the year.