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Sumo - Temporarily closed to new business quotes and applications.

Zurich Sumo has been temporarily withdrawn from sale for new clients whilst we focus on innovating and strengthening our broad, multi-proposition product suite. Please speak to your BDM who can help you cover the needs of those individuals or businesses who require high levels of cover.

You’ve worked hard to be successful. Sumo can provide you the level of cover your assets and achievements deserve.

Sumo’s level of cover is hard to match in the Australian life insurance market. At the same time, it’s supported by a priority application process that is easy and hassle free.

A high-end wealth protection solution, Sumo can reduce exposure to drastic lifestyle changes or the sale of assets should you suffer from an injury, illness or worse.

Sumo can offer life cover, Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD), trauma and disability income insurance.

Full details can be found in the Product Disclosure Statement here