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The Adviser Portal
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) FAQs
At Zurich, safeguarding our customer's personal information is our top priority. To enhance security on The Adviser Portal, we're introducing advanced measures, starting with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for adviser logins.
How does MFA work when I login to the portal?
The first time you log into The Adviser Portal after MFA has been activated, we’ll need you to follow these steps:
Select SMS or email verification.
We’ll then immediately send a verification code via SMS to the nominated mobile number or the email address you have registered with us.
You’ll enter this code into the new verification screen and you will then be taken to your portal dashboard page like usual.
For all future logins to The Adviser Portal, you will only need to complete steps 2 and 3 above.
Note: You will need to have access to the nominated mobile or email account every time you log into The Adviser Portal.
Do I need to do anything before MFA starts?
There is nothing you need to do to prepare for the introduction of MFA. You just need to make sure you have access to your MFA preference each time you log in to the portal (the mobile number used for MFA, or the email address registered on file)
It’s important to know that the mobile number you provided at first registration will update the mobile number we have on our records.
Can I opt out of the MFA process?
We're adding MFA to the adviser portal login process to make sure our mutual customers’ policy and personal information stay safe. This change will apply to all who use the portal, and it's all about keeping information secure from unauthorised access.
Can I have a different mobile number for the MFA process to the mobile we have on the Adviser record?
No, the mobile number provided for MFA will automatically sync to the mobile number recorded on your profile.
On changing the mobile number on file, this will automatically update the MFA mobile as well.
If my mobile number has changed before MFA starts and is different to what is currently recorded, will I still be able to login to the adviser portal once MFA starts?
Yes, even if you have changed your mobile number and not told us, the first time you login to the adviser portal after we introduce MFA to the login process, the mobile number you provide will automatically update the mobile number we have on record.
If I change my mobile number after MFA starts, will I still be able to login to the adviser portal?
If this is not the first time you are logging into the portal since MFA started (i.e you have already registered for MFA using your old mobile), you must update your mobile phone number by contacting us before you try to login to the portal again. After your initial login we will always SMS the verification code to the mobile number held on our records.
I do not have a mobile phone; will I still be able to login once MFA starts?
Yes, you need to simply select ‘Email’ as your MFA preference and the verification code will emailed instead.
A member of my servicing team helps to manage my customers via the portal, how will they login now that MFA has started?
The best option for multiple users is to create their own registration, set up their own MFA preference, and access your client details via the delegate function. This function allows support staff to manage their own logins, whilst still being able to act on behalf of the adviser. To understand how to set up a delegation for your support staff, you can view a guide by clicking here.
I selected mobile for MFA initially, however I now want to switch to email – can I do this?
Yes. You simply need to change your MFA preference by heading to Preferences > Security Preferences > Change Multi Factor Authentication on the portal.
Our Adviser Admin team can also reset MFA entirely, which gives you the option on first sign in to choose their preference again.
If I update my email, what happens to the MFA codes?
When you update your primary email via the portal, it will sync to your primary email, which is where the email code is sent.
The username you login with remains the same, however the MFA code and all correspondence is sent to the updated email.
I’ve updated my email in the portal, but I’m still not receiving my MFA code to it when I log in.
Updating the “Email” field within the contact details section of preferences will trigger an email to be sent to the new email address. You will need to confirm the change by clicking the link provided, at which point the change will be applied in our records. Following any logins post this change, the MFA code will be sent to the updated email address.
Do the MFA codes expire?
Both the Email and SMS MFA verification codes expire in 24 hours.
If the user enters the code incorrectly 4 times, the code will then become invalid and they will need to use the “resend code” button for a new code.