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LiveWell FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

LiveWell is our global, innovative health and wellbeing app designed to engage your clients to make their health a priority. We want to offer our customers the best experience when it comes to their health – and LiveWell by Zurich does that with improved features such as goal setting, daily mediations and health check-ins that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.  

Through relevant and engaging experiences, LiveWell by Zurich makes the path to better health more rewarding through the accumulation of Health Points which can be redeemed using the rewards store.

Temporary Shutdown Period 18 November – 9 December
Post 9 December
  • No new users will be able to access the current Zurich LiveWell app after 18 November 2022
  • Current users will be provided with all  the information they need to transition to the new LiveWell app prior to the 9 December launch date.
  • Your ability to quote and apply for LiveWell after 18 November will no longer be available.
  • Overall, nothing else changes your ability to quote and apply during this period.
  • The existing Zurich LiveWell app will be deactivated.
  • Existing clients who have the current LiveWell app will be invited by email to register and activate their new LiveWell app.
  • Your client will need to accept the terms and conditions of the new LiveWell by Zurich app.
  • New and recently underwritten clients will receive activation instructions via email very soon after their policy goes in force. 

Rewards are changing, with no more premium tiers

We are making rewards simple, but also available for everyone to redeem from Day 1 – there will be no more hierarchies or tier levels. It is simple to earn health points for healthy actions and redeem from all the rewards retailers available in the shop.  Your clients can then spend these points as they choose with a large variety of local and global retail partners.

Points will be reset for all with the new LiveWell by Zurich app

It will be a fresh start on 9 December 2022. We know your clients worked hard for their points, but the new program will motivate and reward them even more when it comes to making sustainable health changes.

To kick-start their points balance, they will receive 25 bonus points when they activate the new program. 

Zurich LiveWell premium discount will no longer be offered to new users 

While premium discounts based on health tiers will be no longer on the new app, we will honour and freeze the relevant LiveWell premium discount tier from 9 December 2022 for existing Zurich LiveWell clients and continue to apply this for the entirety of your client’s policy.  The premium discount tier applied will be either the tier in the customers current LiveWell app on 9 December or the tier notified on the customers last renewal – which-ever is higher.

Please speak to your BDM for more information in relation to the premium discounts. 



Current Zurich LiveWell 

New LiveWell by Zurich


Mobile app 



Pair fitness devices 



Personalisation and tracking 




Profile Settings 



Goal Setting 



Wellness Assessment  


Yes – 5 health checks 

Lifestyle trackers 


Yes – Mood, Stress and Alcohol 

Rewards and discounts 

Reward points 

Yes –  

Wellness Points 

Yes –  

Health Points 

Rewards shop 



Premium discounts 



Status tiers 



Content and resources 










Health Toolkits  









Daily Activities 

Read an article (2 per day) 

5 pts 

Complete Mood Tracker 

5 pts 

Complete Stress Tracker 

5 pts 

Complete Alcohol Tracker 

5 pts 

Complete Smoking Tracker 

5 pts 

Daily Targets 

Achieve 5,000 steps 

10 pts 

Achieve 10,000 steps 

15 pts 

Achieve 15,000 steps 

20 pts 

15 minutes of exercise 

10 pts 

30 minutes of exercise  

10 pts 

60 minutes of exercise 

20 pts 

Between 7 and 9 hours of sleep 

20 pts 

Achieve Meditate Target 

20 pts 

Achieve 100% Energized 

30 pts 

Bonus Activities

Welcome to LiveWell 

25 pts 

7-day LiveWell Anniversary 

50 pts 

5-day Move Target Streak 

40 pts 

5-day Exercise Target Streak 

40 pts 

5-day Sleep Target Streak 

40 pts 

5-day Meditation Target Streak 

40 pts 

Zurich Australia Limited ABN 92 000 010 195, AFSL 232510 (Zurich Australia Limited) makes the LiveWell by Zurich application available to you under an arrangement with Zurich LiveWell Services and Solutions Ltd. Zurich Australia Limited is a company within the Zurich Financial Services Australia Group, which is a subsidiary of Zurich Insurance Group Ltd (ZIG).  

Zurich LiveWell Services and Solutions Ltd, a company incorporated in Switzerland and part of ZIG, is responsible for and operates the LiveWell by Zurich application.  

The information is current as November 2022 but may be subject to change.