This site is for financial adviser use only.

Performance and pricing

View the latest performance, income distribution and unit prices of Zurich Investments’ funds here.

Notice on unit pricing timings

Please be advised that there may be delays in delivering unit prices during this time of market volatility.

Our teams are working together to ensure that once all checks and balances have been completed, unit prices will be released as soon as possible to all of our stakeholders.

In the meantime, for any unit pricing related inquiries, please email

Performance Reports

Click below to access the latest Zurich Investments Fund reports

For more information on the investment options or investment performance, please contact us:

Call 131 551
Monday-Thursday: 8.30am – 7.00pm
Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm


Domestic Investment Funds
  APIR Code Price History Fund Focus
Australian Property Securities Fund ZUR0064AU
Global Investment Funds

*(net dividends reinvested)
Please use the fund name links in the above table to locate the relevant inception date for each fund

Performance returns quoted are compound rates of return calculated on exit prices and assume reinvestment of distributions. Returns are calculated net of all ongoing fees and any taxes payable by the fund. The benchmark return shown is a gross return. Figures shown are rounded to two decimal places.

The table below provides details of the estimated annual distribution components on the estimated cents per unit (CPU). Note that the last business day of the period used to calculate the estimates was 31 May 2024.

31 May estimates for 30 June 2024

Fund Name APIR Code Estimate CPU
Managed Growth Fund ZUR0059AU 0.7673
Australian Property Securities Fund ZUR0064AU 1.1282
Hedged Global Growth Share Fund ZUR0621AU 2.362079
Concentrated Global Growth Fund ZUR0617AU 4.736989
Global Thematic Share Fund ZUR0061AU 2.896093
Unhedged Global Thematic Share Fund ZUR0518AU 5.05062
Global Growth Share Fund ZUR0580AU 9.390036
Global Growth Share Fund - Class D ZUR7686AU 4.588516
Unhedged Global Growth Share Fund ZUR0581AU 15.941977
Zurich Investments ACI Healthcare Impact Scheme ZUR4499AU 0.0578
Emerging Markets Equity Fund ZUR0614AU 7.42
Zurich Investments Global Thematic Focus Scheme ZUR4756AU 4.4103
Hedged Concentrated Global Growth Fund ZUR0619AU 0.0000
Hedged Global Thematic Share Fund ZUR0517AU 0.0000

*The figures in this table are estimates calculated as at 31 May 2024 and do not include distribution estimates for the month of June 2024. The actual distributions attributable at 30 June 2024 will be introduced when these figures are calculated sometime in July and will be based on a number of factors including fund performance in June 2024. The 31 May 2024 CPU distribution calculations above are estimates based on the income derived by the relevant Fund during the financial year to 31 May 2024 which has NOT yet been distributed (including realised CG and CGT concession).

** CGT Concession - NTAP and Non-Assessable Non-Exempt Income.

Notice for Subdivision 12-H of the Taxation Administration Act 1953

A Managed Investment Trust that makes a "fund payment" to an Australian resident intermediary must provide a "Notice" to enable the intermediary to determine the amount they need to withhold from their payments to foreign residents under Subdivision 12-H.

The information provided below constitutes a Notice pursuant to section 12-395 of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953. These components are provided solely for the purpose of Subdivision 12-H of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 and should not be used for any other purpose.

Zurich Investment Management Limited as responsible entity for the following fund(s) advises the fund payment(s) for the trust(s) below for the distribution period 31 March 2024 for the income year 30 June 2024 are as follows:

Distribution information (cents per unit)

As at distribution period - 31 March 2024 for the income year ending 30 June 2024

Fund Fund Payment Net Cash Distribution (CPU)
Zurich Investments Managed Growth Fund (APIR ZUR0059AU, ARSN 39 698 471 894) 0.0895 0.4181
Zurich Investments Australian Property Securities Fund (APIR ZUR0064AU, ARSN 23 387 281 724) 0.2510 0.3932

Australian resident unit holders should not rely on the information contained in the above table for the purposes of completing their income tax returns. Details of full year components of distributions will be provided in the 2024 Annual Taxation Statement.

This notice is issued by Zurich Investment Management Limited  ABN 56 063 278 400  AFSL 232 511, as the responsible entity of the fund(s). This notice is for the information of foreign resident unit holders and their custodians and is provided pursuant to section 12-395 of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

Quarter/Year end event Date
Cut off for receipt of applications and redemption requests-to receive 30 June 2024 price Both application and monies must be received by 3pm Sydney time on 28 June 2024
Release of cum prices for 30 June 2024 3 July 2024
Release of
  • Ex-prices
  • Reinvestment prices

16 July 2024
Distribution CPUs available 16 July 2024
Distribution confirmation statement available online 18 July 2024
Catch up on unit prices and transactions for 3 July 2024 to 16 July 2024
17 July 2024
Distribution payments made 19 July 2024
Notice for subdivision 12H updated 23 July 2024
Annual statements issued to investors
1  August 2024
Tax Statements available
1 August 2024

For more information

Please contact the Zurich Client Service Centre on 131 551 or email the Zurich Investments Administration Team at